Tuesday, August 4, 2015

Analyzing Context

1.  What are the key perspectives or schools of thought on the debate that you are studying?
          In the three areas of focus with robotics, there is the pro-robot and against-robot sides. The three sides of the robot issue are the personal side, the intimate side, and the work side.  People have the perspective to be for or against robots in each of these categories. Basically, they will think robots will help humans in these areas, or hurt humans in these areas.

2.  What are the major points of contention or major disagreements among these perspective?
          The major points of contention are whether or not robots can help the human race. People disagree on whether robots will become to smart for humans and then will begin to take over human life.  People will argue that robots will become too much and people will start to not feel human emotion anymore.

3.  What are the possible points of agreement, or the possible common ground between these perspectives?
          The points of agreement for this debate are few and far between. Although, because there are three main areas of debate, people may agree on one of the areas, but strongly disagree on the other two. The only point of agreement would be in this case.

4.  What are the ideological differences, if any, between th perspectives?
          Ideologically, some believe that robots are just a part of life and destiny. Those people believe that robots are meant to come when they come and will help or hurt us. Others believe that technology is already to great. Those people argue that people are already developing attachments to their technological devices and it is creating havoc in the world.

5.  What specific actions do their perspective or texts ask their audiences to take?
          The only real action that people against robotics can do is hope to cause a law to pass that regulates robots, their usage, and their development. People advocating for robotics will just ask for funding and promotion of their company in order to continue the development and research of newer and better robots.

6.  What perspectives are useful in supporting your own arguments about the issue? Why did 
you choose these?
          I am pro-robot if anything, so the perspective of robots aiding human life is useful in supporting my issue. I choose this because I believe that humans have the capability to use technology to its fullest ability, but manage to not get carried away and fall in love with their devices. I think people have the capacity to love other humans while using technology to aid them in their life.

7.  What perspective do you think will be the greatest threat to your argument? Why so?
          The greatest threat to my argument will be past experiences of robots harming humans. Sometimes technology malfunctions, and sometimes it is large technology that is working in close quarters with humans. Unfortunately, there have been a few incidents where people have been injured or even killed because a robot acted up and malfunctioned to the point of harming the humans that are close by.

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