Saturday, August 1, 2015

Extended Annotated Bibliography

Breazeal, Cynthia (2009).  Role of Expressive Behaviour for Robots That Learn from People. Philosophical Transactions: Biological Sciences Vol. 364, 3527-3538.

     This article is a general discussion about the behavior of robots and how their behavior has developed through human action and thought. This article will give me some concrete evidence and an opinion on where the free-thinking robots came from and the ideology that they are based upon. I will be able to use this to evidence claims of mine that robots are becoming more and more human-like.

Dautenhahn, Kerstin (2007). Socially Intelligent Robots: Dimensions of Human-Robot Interaction. Philosophical Transaction: Biological Sciences Vol. 362, No. 1480, 679-704.

     This article dives into the facts of beginning robots and how the use of sensors aided in the creation of better and more productive robots. This article goes into a little bit more of the technical aspect of the creation of robots. I will be able to use this to help discuss the first robots and how they were created. This article will also give me the ability to discuss specifics in robots and how they function. 

Jager, Chris (2011). Japan Creates "thinking" Robot That Can Learn By Itself. PC Tech and Authority.

     This article discusses one of the first truly free-thinking robots. The article discusses technical aspects of how it becomes free thinking (learning from prior experience). There is also a video giving more information on the robot, which is named SOINN (Self-Organizing Incremental Neural Network). This will give me a strong background on where the first free-thinking robots came from and who created them. 

Roese, N., Amir, E. (2009). Human-Android Interaction in the Near and Distant Future. Perspective on Physcological Science Vol. 4, No. 4, The Next Big Questions in Phychology, 429-434.

     This article focuses on the physiological aspect of robots and their futures. It mentions the near and the distant futures and how robots will continue to grow and in what (technical and emotional) ways they will grow. This will be usable for me because I will be able to discuss how the robotics community is affecting the human community and how robots may be implemented in the future. This is an expert opinion, so it will give me credibility.  

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