Thursday, August 6, 2015

Outlining My Public Argument

     For my introduction, I will use the first bulleted point: Connect the Issue to Your Audience.  I feel like this will be the best way to go about explaining the controversy of robots and how the effect the world. By discussing how robots will have an effect on the my audience, I think my audience will feel more emotional to the subject and be better drawn in to continuing to learn about the issue and also to act upon the issue in whatever way they deem is necessary.


  • Supporting Arguments
    •  Increase Production along side human workers
      • Robots are able to do the mundane, boring, and repetitive work while the humans can focus on developing other ideas and creating even better things.
        • "Robots controlled by humans have also been used to perform dangerous tasks such as exploring dangerous areas or deactivating bombs" (Valez 2).
        • "Modern robots are beginning to participate as members of heterogenous teams that cooperate with people in order to achieve shared goals" (Breazeal 3528)
    • Aid those in need of companionship
      • Robots can help people who need companions, such as young children and also elderly people who need something to keep their spirits up. Robotics may allow for people to have companionship without the mess.
        • "Socially intelligent robots could have a significantly positive effect on real world challenges, such as helping elders to live independently at home longer, serving as learning companions for children and enriching learning experiences through play, serving a therapeutic role to help children with autism learn communication skills..." (Brazil 3528).
    • Help teach people without the mess of human failure and filth
      • Similar to the above statement, robots produce little filth. Compared to the inconsiderate people who litter, create filth, and do not help to fight against public filth, robots could not only help clean up the earth, but also help to prevent it from getting filthier. 
    • Provide Alternatives for those who are not comfortable in the "dating game"
      • Although some may say that it is morally wrong, people who have trouble in social settings may be able to develop skills for the real world by interacting with robots. 
        • "Humans want attention and contact with other human beings. If there are robots that can simulate those features realistically enough, it is not surprising to me that some would replace human contact, even sexual relations, with robot contact, in order to satisfy that need" (Valez 6).
  • Major Criticisms
    • Stealing Jobs
      • Some say that robots are beginning to steal jobs; though some people have lost their jobs due to robotics being implemented in factories and such, robots are helping to increase the productivity of others, eventually allowing for the expansion of the economy and more jobs to be created/
    • People will become too attached to technology
      • It can be argued that people are already becoming too attached to the technology that they use every day.  This is true in many cases; however, this may not be an issue if robots continue to grow and improve and they begin to look more and seem more like humans. Rather than a phone being over used, people will develop social skills in order to face real people in the future. 
  • Key Support and Rebuttal Points
    • Address Supporting Arguments:
      • Increase Production
    • Address Major Criticisms:
      • Stealing Jobs

  • Intro:
    • I will try to use emotion to win over my audience for my intro. I will point out how relevant this issue is with my audience and mention that the people that I am speaking to are in the front seat to what happens with robotics.
  • Thesis
    • In the near and distant future robots will become more and more relevant in everyday human lives. Robots will help workers produce more with a lower case and lower time of creation and they will help people in their personal lives develop skills and emotions for something.  Robots will aid the human race in multiple ways.
  • Support 1
    • Increasing Production
      • I need to focus on this point. There is a lot of evidence against it, so I need to bring up that evidence and say how it is logical, but how my feelings are more feasible.
  • Support 2
    • Aid those in need of a friend
      • There is a lot of evidence and banter about how technology can help people gain social skills. This is where I need to talk about that. 
  • Support 3
    • Teach people without the filth
      • It is not question that people are concerned with global warming, a dirty planet, and not being able to come back and save the earth. I can argue that robots can help to do just that. 
  • Support 4
    • Alternative to the dating game
      • Most evidence against this is just in support of how it is morally wrong. If I can convince my readers that it isn't all that bad to use robotics for intimacy, I can really win over my audience all together. 
  • Conclusion
    • A simple wrap up should suffice. Restate all of my points but discuss what can be done and what should be done in order to act on the emotions that are flowing through people after having read my paper. 

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