Wednesday, August 12, 2015

Reflection on Open Letter Draft

Again, the two drafts that I edited and commented on are:

Brittany Newland
Jess Gonzalez

Who, specifically, is going to be reading this essay? Or who am I trying o reach with my argument? (My instructor, my classmates, members of my academic community, members of the local community, etc.)
     My classmates are going to read this essay.

What biases might my readers have? Am I respecting their opinions while also achieving my own purpose?
     My readers may have a couple different biases bases on their own personal experience with writing. For example, I have a bias that I like planning more than I like revising. Some people may share this bias with me or have a completely different bias all together. This was an opinionated essay, so I mostly just stated my feelings, but I think I did it in a polite enough way that my classmates will not get offended by anything that I said.

What are their values and expectations? Am I adequately meeting those expectations?
     Their values are most likely similar to mine because we are all students taking English 102. Some people may value English composition a little more than I do or a little less than I do, but every one has similar values to the course. Because of the prompt, they expected me to write about my feelings towards English and how I plan to use this in the future. I adequately met these expectations by following along with the prompt.

How much information do I need to give my audience? How much background information or context should I provide for them without insulting their expertise?
     Factual information is not the most important thing in this essay. The most important thing is making sure that I am explaining my own feelings and showing evidence to my claims from my past work. All of the background that my readers need is just past evidence of my own writing. I do not feel as though I insulted anyones expertise. All I did with this essay was explain my feelings towards English Composition.

What kind of language is suitable for this audience?
     A casual, yet academic language is suitable for this audience. If the paper was more factual and more research based than I would need to be a little bit more formal with my writing. This paper was written for other college students who are in the same class as me. The casual, yet academic language seemed very suitable for this essay.

What tone should I use with my audience? Do I use this tone consistently throughout my draft?
     I used an informative and emotional tone with my audience. I wanted to inform them of my own thoughts and feelings on the subject. I consistently used this tone throughout the entirety of my letter. I made sure to speak my mind, but I also kept my conventions and my organization in full strength.

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