Tuesday, August 4, 2015

My Rhetorical Action Plan

1.     Audience: Who are you going to try to persuade with your public argument? Describe the following aspects of your audience in a few sentences: Knowledge, Values, Standards of Arguments, Visual Elements, Purpose.
     The audience will be relatively knowledgable in the technological world. They will not be ignorant on the subject, but they may not be experts. Their values will range between just about everything. The best type of research that will be reliable and persuasive will be research from other knowledgable people, whether their work is formulated on years of experience, or research being done for a undergraduate paper, other peoples knowledge will be the most persuasive research. My argument is going to be written to expand peoples knowledge on the issue. I want my audience to be more informed about robotics and the future that is possible with them.

2.     Genre:  What form of writing will you use? After identifying your genre list answers for the following questions:
     Newsletter/Magazine OR Newspaper Article
What is the function of the genre? What is it designed to do for your readers? OR, why did you choose it?
     The function is to raise awareness to what is going on in mass quantities to people who care about the subject at hand. I chose it because I want to reach a large quantity audience that has a passion for something that involves technology.
What is the setting of your genre? Where could you see it being used?
     Newsletters and media articles are read everywhere. They are used everywhere from restaurants to on the toilet. 
How might you use the rhetorical appeals we have studied- ethos (character), pathos (values/emotion), and logos (logical argumentation) in this genre?
     I will use all three of the rhetorical appeals in this genre to portray my opinion. I will use ethos by incorporating other characters in the robotics world that have influence. I will use pathos by appealing to peoples emotions and how they feel about the issue. I will also use logic to try to explain the possibilities of what could happen in the future, depending on how humans act now. 
What types of visual elements, if nay, will you use in this genre?
     Pictures could be used to grab the attention of the reader. Pictures could potentially be used to illustrate how robots could effect the world, grabbing the hearts of the readers and viewers and drawing them in emotionally. 
What type of style (formal, conversational, academic, etc.) will you use in this genre?
     The style for this public argument will be a conversational, yet academic style. I want my audience to be aware that I am intelligent on the issue and that I know what I am talking about; however, I also want them to understand that I am a human being just like them, so I also have my own emotions and expectations. 

3.     Responses/Actions:  Explain the possible actions you would like your audience to take after they read or view your argument.
 - Positive Support - People may start to do their own research on the subject, talk to people about it, and basically raise awareness for the issue. They could take action by donating to a robotics program that would help the research and development of better robots, etc. 
 - Negative Rebuttal - People could become nervous and begin to take legal action against robots. This hasn't been done yet, but it is certainly possible for someone to create a law restricting the development of robots. People could also try to take matters into their own hands and begin destroying technology.
     The main rebuttal that I want to refute is that robots will take over human life. I do believe that humans can become consumed by robotics and other technologies, but I do not believe that it would be possible, in the near future, for robots to become so developed that they begin to think on their own, and this thought turn into destroying human life. I don't find that reasonable, but some activists do. Thus, I want to refute that and try to show evidence of how that claim is absurd.

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