Thursday, August 6, 2015

Draft of Public Argument

     I decided that the best genre to go about my public argument was a newsletter of sorts. It could be an email or something similar to that. Basically, I wanted to reach as many engineering students that I possibly could, so my argument is a letter to all of the engineering students at the U of A. The goal of my letter is to inform people that the issue or robotics is a large one and is only going to get bigger. I want people to understand how big of a controversy this issue could be and I want people to become more informed. I felt that engineers would be the perfect place to start because of their passion for technology. It takes all aspects of engineering to create robots, so I figured the general engineering population would the best way to reach people who may actually care about the issue.
    As usual, this project is written after a long days work and a maybe no-so-clear head. I would love any feedback that you may have. Critique me with all that you got. My goal is to have the best paper that I can possibly have and I cannot do that without your brutal criticism. Thank you so much!

Public Argument Draft

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