Saturday, August 1, 2015

Narrowing My Focus

Who was/were the creator(s) of the first free-thinking robot?
What, if anything, is being done to limit the production of robots?
Who are the biggest advocates for limiting robot improvements?

     These three questions are the most important to me because I feel as though they give me the most background in order to develop my credibility and my knowledge on this subject. Knowing the first person or the first people to create the free-thinking and self-learning will give me credibility to any audience that I may be appealing to. It will also be good to know who created the first one because I will be able to quote and reference these people to further my argument for how robots can aid human life.  Knowing what is being done right now in the robot community will allow me to have more insight to the prominence of this argument. It will give ma a better understanding of who is fighting for what and how hard they are fighting and preparing for their future arguments.  Along the same lines as knowing what is being done, it will also be valuable to know who the biggest advocates are, for both sides. Knowing the important figures will give me more credible sources to reference in order to adequately portray what I need to say in my paper.

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