Thursday, July 16, 2015

Annotated Bibliography in APA

Annotated Bibliography in APA

Velez, Miguel (2015). Current and Future Relationships Between Humans and Robots. 1-9.  University of St. Thomas.

     This is a really well written paper by Valez. His purpose is to inform readers of both sides of an argument about whether or not robots have the ability to replace humans in the future.  He uses many validated sources for his research and discussed the moral issue in both directions of the debate. He discusses robot usage in many fields and continues to mention how they can and most likely will be used.  This would be a good paper for me to reflect on both sides of the argument.  His paper could provide validity for certain points that I could bring up about how robotics do have the ability to steal human jobs.

Roman, David (August 2013). How Technology is Destroying Jobs. MIT Technology Review Magazine, 1-7.

     Roman researches his topic really well and uses his knowledge and research to create an amusing and informational paper regarding how robots can mostly help, but also hurt the future manufacturing life.  His research was conducted using companies that are well known and valid in the robotics industry.  This paper has a lot of potential for me to appeal to my case on an emotional and moral level while remaining on topic and informational.

Brown, Alan (June 2015). Robots Grow In Numbers. 

     This article is primarily just a study of numbers of what is happening in the world of robotics.  There is a lot of solid, researched information that is available for me to use concrete numerical values to prove that robots are on the rise.

Mckenzie, Sheena (April 2015). Will this one-armed robot put you out of a job? CNN Money, Producing the Goods.

     This article is about a specific robot that has capabilities that could potentially replace human workers.  In opposition to Browns article, this article could be used to discuss how robots can potentially aid humans in the work force.  I could also use this article as a moral and sociological appeal for my argument against robots, or for the opposing argument that robots are good for the future.

Marsh, Rob (June 2015). Will Robots Take Your Job? Probably. Logomaker.

     This article is not very informational; however, it provides an opinion from the general publics eye through someone who is very educated in the world of business. This article will allow me to bring not only the engineering and robotics aspect of the argument, but it will allow me to touch on the business side of the argument as well. That will be important in order to cement my ideas and bring in the finishing touch that will validate everything that I've discussed and really bring everything together.

Associated Press (July 2015). Robot Kills Man at Volkswagen Plant in Germany. 

     Although this article does have some concrete evidence and statistics in it, it is primarily a piece that connects emotionally to readers.  It is meant to inform readers of an occurrence that happened, and in turn, ropes in the robotics aspect of the argument. This article will give me an emotional appeal that can be used strongly against robots being indicted into the work force.

Gregory, Nina (March 2013). Could This Robot Save Your Job? NPR. All Tech Considered.

    This article specifically talks about a robot named Baxter.  The article discusses whether robots like Baxter, who have the ability to develop and learn from mistakes, are going to take over human jobs or aid humans in performing menial actions.  The piece is primarily to entertain and inform readers about the thoughts of professionals on the subject and how they think robots could help or hurt.  This piece could be useful to me because it could help incorporate specific examples of robots that affect humans in the work force.

Ford, Martin (July 2012). Will Robots and Automation Make Human Workers Obsolete? Huffington Post. The Blog.

     This post is an article about the economical value or harm that robots could create for human life. There is a video attached to the article in which an economist, Richard Freeman, discusses the issue and gives viewers his professional input on the situation.  This could useful for me because again, it shows the economical viewpoint rather than just the technical aspect of robots in human, daily life.

Banks, James (April 2014). Man vs. Machine. The Weekly Standard. Book Review.

     This post reviews a book by James Barrat, titled "Our Final Invention: Artificial Intelligence and the End of the Human Era. The article focuses on robots being incorporated into human life and how this directly effects the future of human life as we know it. There are specific examples, but similar to almost every review, this is merely an opinion with little concrete evidence to support the main point. I could use this post to talk about how others feel about the situation and I could also relate an entire book to my report.

Rendell, Michael (January 2014). Robots Vs. Humans - Where is the Future of Work Heading? PwC.Video.

     This video is an interview involving a futurist, Rohit Talwar, and a partner for PwC, Jon Andrews. The discuss the future of technology in general and whether or not humans will be run and operated by robots and machinery.  I could use this video with quotes from each of the members to discuss professional viewpoints on the subject and to get a professional opinion for people who have a background in what is occurring.

1 comment:

  1. Very impressive Jake! A great variety of sources, and a super interesting topic. Good work.
