Tuesday, July 14, 2015

My Field

     I am a Systems and Industrial Engineering major. I would also like to minor in something that has to do with business, preferably a management minor of some kind. Ideally, I would love to have a background in sports; however, having played more than 10 sports beginning when I was a 5 year old child, I would say that I have a bit of experience already in that field. Students in my field of study learn how create and improve items across the board of technology and machinery to perfect the efficiency rating of any working thing.
     People in SIE generally go on to work for big companies and corporations.  They work along side other engineerings to create and perfect whatever item or items that the company is making or improving. Many of the good engineers work for local or national engineering firms and eventually work their way up to positions of management and other higher areas to lead the newer engineers in what they need to be doing.
     I was drawn to this field because of the application of mathematics and physics.  I had never been a lover of biology, art, english, history, etc, but something about working with numbers and finding out how things worked in this world was interesting to me.  I took AP physics when I was a junior in high school and I really enjoyed learning about how things move and produce energy and other concepts along those lines.  I have loved sports all of my life and would love to incorporate athletics into my job. That is my goal, as a matter of fact.  I feel as though sports need to be in my life in order for me to be a satisfied, happy, successful person.
     The leaders in many types of Engineering are generated throughout the world at different corporations.  The most common one for University of Arizona students is Raytheon.  They have a Tucson based headquarters and they work for the department of defense in creating missiles and other defense systems and strategies for the country.  They are a primary source of job creation for Engineers from Arizona; however, many companies all around the world need engineers of all kinds in order to run, grow, and stay ahead of the game.  For example, Nike must hire engineering, more specifically Industrial and Systems Engineers to continue to improve the manufacturing process and to find new ways to create items of better quality in a faster and cheaper manner than the previous method. There are many other companies like Nike and Raytheon that need engineers for a vast majority of different applications.
     A significant journal in the industrial engineering world is the JIEM (Journal of Industrial Engineering and Management).  It is basically a forum that knowledgable people can access and discuss different topics in the field of Industrial Engineering and Management.  This particular journal is published by a company called OmniaScience.  Another journal in the SIE realm is the JIEI (Journal of Industrial Engineering International). This journal has more to do with Engineering across the globe (internationally).  It, similar to JIEM is a blog/discussion based journal where people can talk about ways and methods of improving many different things throughout the planet.  A third journal having to do with Industrial Engineering is the Industrial Engineering and Management Open Access website. This is a very similar website to the first two.  It's a forum style layout that allows people to go onto the website and research the basic ideas in the field and improve their own knowledge on different Engineering things. This is published by the Omnics Group, with open access to the public.

1 comment:

  1. Very insightful. I learned a lot about SIE from your blog post. It sounds like a promising field.

    Always remember to triple-check your grammar and spelling before making a post to your blog.
