Thursday, July 30, 2015

Revised Conclusion

     I did not change much in the new version of the conclusion. The majority of changes came from slight word variations that I felt sounded better the new way. There were also some conventions that I did not perform very well the first time around, so I tried my best to fix those.  I think this new conclusion is better because it still keeps the readers attention while concluding the essay; however, it is more powerful because it is less words and more precise.

          In the future, robots may have the ability to make movies accurate and begin the robot apocalypse that has been feared upon for years.  Robots could take over, destroy the things that humans love, and go about doing so with no emotional connection to what they are doing. The chances of that are slim.  As Valez mentions throughout his entire examination of the controversy surrounding robots in the future: robots are on the rise, but for the good of the human race, not for the destruction of it. Valez believes that robots will aid the working class by improving productivity and allowing the economy to boost because of it. He believes that intimate and personal lives with robots will also develop greatly in the near future. Many people are currently drawn to technology and some even feel as though they have an emotional connection to their devices. Even though it may seem assure at times, robots can truly help personal lives in the future. Robots will continue to look, feel, and act more like humans, and so it is no surprise that people feel as though they have emotions toward their technology.  This paper, and papers similar to this, will continue to be persuasive and will continue to be entertaining and informing because of the drastic changes that will continue to occur in the robotics world.  Robots are not going away, they are developing, growing, and improving every day.  Valez is not the first, nor will he be the last, to discuss the concern with robots' ability to help or their ability to hurt humans' work, personal, and intimate lives.

          In the future, robots may have the ability to make the movies come true and begin a robot apocalypse. Robots could take over the planet, destroy the things that humans love, and go about doing so with no emotional connection to what they are doing; however, the chances of this occurring are far beyond slim. As Valez mentions throughout his entire examination of the controversy surrounding robots in the future, robots are on the rise, but for the good of the human race, not for the destruction of it. Valez believes that, in the working class, robots will aid productivity and allow the economy to boom because of it.  Intimate and personal lives with robots will also develop greatly in the near future. Many people are already drawn to technology and some even feel as though they have a personal connection to their devices. Even though it may seem absurd at times, robots can truly help personal lives in the future. Because robots are beginning to look, feel, and act more like humans than ever before, it comes to no surprise that people will begin to feel as though they have an emotional connection with them. This paper, and papers similar to this, will continue to be persuasive and will continue to be entertaining and informing because of the drastic changes that have occurred and will continue to occur in the robotics world. Robots are not going away, they are developing, growing, and improving every day. Valez is not the first, and certainly will not be the last to state that robots are here to help humans’ work, personal, and intimate lives.

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