Tuesday, July 28, 2015

Draft Thesis Statements

1.          In Current and Future Relationships Between Robots and Humans, Miguel Valez appeals to both a knowledgable and unknowledgeable audience by using rhetorical strategies and situations along with implementing cultural values throughout the paper. Valez draws the attention of robotics fanatics and professionals by referencing expert sources from the robotics realm, but he also captures the lesser knowledgable audience by appealing to emotion and by incorporating cultural values within his paper.

2.          Miguel Valez, in Current and Future Relationships Between Robots and Humans, appeals to professionals and rookies in the robotics world by incorporating many aspects of rhetoric and emotion within his paper. He uses expert sources to grasp the attention of the more knowledgable crowd in order persuade them with intelligence, but he also uses an emotional appeal and speaks of cultural values in order to connect on a personal level with those people who are new to the robotics realm.

I think that both of these thesis statements are very similar in their wording. It feels difficult to come up with a completely new and reorganized thesis when the information you are presenting is basically the exact same. I am not sure whether I want to be more specific or less specific when writing my thesis, but I think both of the above statements are ok with their specificity and they both explain a good amount of what needs to be explained before introducing the rest of the paper. It might be difficult for me to differentiate between what appeals to the pro readers and what appeals to the rookies. The majority of the time, the more emotional the certain area of the paper is, the more the lesser knowledgable crowd will be involved, but at the same time, the lesser crowd enjoys learning about what is going on. Thus, the technical explanations may entertain them as well.

     Posts commented on:
          Brittany Newland
          Aaron Jatana
               Through the reflection process of the thesis, I learned that I was not the only one struggling to get the information that I wanted onto the screen. Both of the posts that I read had mentioned that they weren't sure if they should add stuff or take a different track to get their intended purpose out. It makes me feel a little better knowing that I am not the only one struggling to think of a perfect thesis. I think that these posts help me to realize even more how important it is to discuss HOW the authors are making their audience feel. I know this project is really trying to focus on the ways authors connect to their audiences and whether these ways are rhetorically concrete or not. I think I have a deeper understanding of the point of this project now.


  1. I like the wording in the second thesis better, however I would suggest changing "rookies" to something like "unknowledgeable" like you use in the first thesis. I also suggest that by using "many aspects of rhetoric and emotion" in your paper, you will need to analyze the many aspects. Really excellent thesis statements, either one would work!

  2. I have to agree with Selena on this one. Both of these are great starts but I think that the second one is the closest to being ready to work with. However, it does need some tweaking in terms of word choice: "rookies" and "intelligence" have the potential to be offensive to your more casual audience member.

  3. I have to agree with Selena on this one. Both of these are great starts but I think that the second one is the closest to being ready to work with. However, it does need some tweaking in terms of word choice: "rookies" and "intelligence" have the potential to be offensive to your more casual audience member.
