Thursday, July 23, 2015

Developing a Research Question

     In the field of Systems and Industrial Engineering, there is a lot of information about how things are processed and manufactured, created and developed, thought up and implemented. The controversy involving robots that I discussed in great detail is very intriguing to me because it combines the thoughts of SIE people, manufacturers, economists, futurists, etc.  It is so diverse within its topic because it involves so many different topics within the topic of robots.  I love how in depth each individual piece is.  If I were to do another research topic, I would want something with similar girth that the robot question posed. I would want something that is as involved and vast as the robot controversy.  These are the potential research questions that I may be interested in:

     Should there be a control on robot usage within companies and manufacturers, in order to maintain human job growth and limit technology form advancing too far?

I have a lot of family friends and friends of my own that are in the field of engineering that works with defense contractors such as Raytheon.  Although Raytheon does employ a lot of workers, some people consider the work of the continuation of weapons technology to be unethical. This interests me because it has to do with people who I know and care about and I would find it interesting to research and develop a thought process on it.
     Is it a moral, economical, or environmental issue for engineers to continue to develop advanced technological weaponry?

Oil is a huge debate in all areas of study now-a-days.  Although it does not have to do directly with SIE, it still involves many things that SIE has to do with. Thus:
     How should Oil be drilled in the future? To what extent should humans look for alternative ways to find and maintain oil and its usage?

There are many technologies out that give people a lot less privacy.  It is much easier to get into peoples personal lives today than it has been in the past. Privacy is a huge issue in the technological world, including Engineering.
     How much should privacy laws continue to grow in order to maintain privacy for technological users?

I believe that as time goes on, there will be many more issues that come to interest me; however, for the time being, these are some issues that have something to do SIE and that I feel as though I could write a lot about.

1 comment:

  1. Another interesting topic, and certainly an important one. I wonder though if you could make it more specific..for example, you could choose one or two ways of getting oil and then analyze the pros and cons of each in your analysis.
