Saturday, July 25, 2015

Analyzing My Own Assumptions

1.  What cultural or social values, beliefs, etc., do we share with the society or culture in which the text was written? Why have they endured?
     This text was written recently in our culture.  The social values and beliefs that are discussed in the paper are all written based upon the values and beliefs of our own culture.  These beliefs have endured through time because people continue to have moral and ethical connections to the issues at hand. Some people disagree with them; however, they continue because many people agree with them and many people continue to see robots as helpful within intimate, personal, and work situations.

2.  What cultural or social values, beliefs, etc., do we not share? Why not?
     Because the paper was written within our culture, we share all of the ideas within the paper. I personally agree with a little bit of his paper. I do agree that robots can help improve production in the workplace.  I think technology is very intuitive and allows humans to do things faster and more organized, which in the end, helps speed up the process of creation and improves features while lessening the cost. On the topic of personal relationships, I believe that many people already have personal relationships with technology. As much as I do it, it is unfortunate to see people so clung to their phone for things like social media. I can understand if there is someone important you are keeping in touch with, but if social media is more important that those people and things directly in front you, I feel as though you need to re-evaluate your priorities. I find myself attached to my phone often, but I try to realize it and put it away when I am in a social setting.  For intimacy, I believe that some people may benefit from the abilities of a robot; however, I am a firm believer in passion and emotion and I feel as though you can not truly have an intimate relationship unless both sides of the relationship have passion and emotion. With that being said, I think robots can take the place of a human for a short period of time, but intimacy with a robot cannot and will not last.

3.  If the text is written in a culture distant or different from our own, what social values, beliefs, etc., connect to or reflect our own culture? What social values, beliefs, etc., can we not see in our own culture?
    The text is written in our own culture, thus, the value and beliefs reflect that of our own culture.

4.  If the text is written in our culture but in a different historical time, how have the social values, beliefs, etc.,  developed or changed over time?
     The text is concerning a modern issue, and thus is written in recent times. I personally believe that social values and beliefs will continue to grow around robotics. I have a feeling that robotics will continue to grow and will become more and more accepted in all aspects of human life.

     Blogs that I read and commented on:  
          Selena Marie Carbajal
          Brittany Newland
      I feel like I realized a couple things while I was reading through Selena and Brittany's posts. I think I kind of realized something about myself. Everyone understands that people think differently than you. They always have and they always will. That's what makes humans so special. Everyone has different views, different passions, different hatreds, different opinions; however, that is not a bad thing. The fact that everyone feels so differently about everything is so special. It allows humans to have individuality and develop different emotions for everything. I find it so intriguing that Brittany is researching sign language and how it affects the world. I think it is so important that people learn more than what they were just brought up to know. English is important to me, but I find Italian and French such beautiful languages. It is just really cool to see what things people are passionate about and to know that they feel as strongly for something as you do something else. I love that.



  1. 1. I like how you discussed your views on personal relationships between technology and humans. I agree with too many people being attached to their modern technologies such as cell phones, iPods/iPads, Facebook, Twitter, and so on.
    2. I would be aware of your potential bias on intimacy between robots and humans. Another potential bias might be on your view of people using technology too much in a social setting.

  2. I find the topic you have chosen to be very interesting. The fact that more robots will be introduced in our lives for typical jobs humans already run is something not many talk about but certainly will happen! I think you should try looking at culture in a new light for this topic as there are many different cultures within our own general one that you mention above. Which subculture will have the most relation with robots? My assumption would be that the higher classes would be interacting with robots more frequently than those in the middle or lower classes due to economics. When the lower classes start to lose jobs to these robots, how will their relationship with robots change? Will this matter at all? I don't know. But it is something to think about. Interesting topic though! I look forward to reading more!
